Does my child need braces?

The Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends children between the ages of 8-10 years visit a registered specialist orthodontist for an assessment. This allows the orthodontist to evaluate your child’s existing and incoming teeth and determine whether or not early treatment might be necessary.

9 signs your child may need braces

Otherwise, if you observe any of these characteristics or behaviours, you should seek an assessment from a specialist orthodontist:

  1. Early loss of baby teeth (before age five)
  2. If your child’s teeth do not meet properly at all when biting
  3. Mouth breathing and/or snoring
  4. If your child’s front teeth are crowded (you generally won’t see this until the child is about seven or eight years old)
  5. Protruding front teeth
  6. Biting or chewing difficulties
  7. A speech impediment
  8. If your child’s jaw shifts when he or she opens or closes the mouth
  9. If your child is older than five years and still sucks a thumb or finger

If you’re worried about your child getting braces, don’t be!

ASO research has revealed increased demand by teenagers for items that were once the object of ridicule and scorn.

In fact, so in favour have braces become that nine out 10 orthodontists have witnessed a child become upset when told they don’t need the orthodontic items that are now available in all the colours of the rainbow, as much a fashion accessory as a vital device used to correct malocclusion.

Among the children that do need braces fitted, seven out of 10 greet the news with undisguised joy with many parents bringing their eager children in for a consultation after being pestered to do so.

And remember orthodontics is not just for children…

In the past few years our Sutherland Shire orthodontics service has seen a remarkable increase in adult patients looking to correct problems that were left untreated as a child.

After spending many years suffering from misaligned teeth and the many problems associated with this condition, adults are looking to improve their current oral health situation.

You are only given one set of functioning adult teeth and although you do have replacement options, nothing is as good as maintaining your own strong and healthy teeth.

Find out more…

About orthodontics for children and adults here>

Or contact our team to request a consultation>



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